Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pure Sleep

One of the downsides of being overweight (like being fat needs more than one downside) is that it causes me to snore. I know it affects other people like this too. In our household, this has caused many nights of my husband and I having to sleep separately. We’ve wasted money on all the over-the-counter products that claim to stop snoring (the nose strips, nose clip, throat spray, etc.) to no avail. The snoring continues.

But recently, I saw a product on television (I know, I know) called Pure Sleep and thought I’d give it a try. Pure Sleep is a mouthpiece that I custom molded to my mouth, much like teeth whitening trays. The difference is, this mouthpiece forces my lower jaw forward ever-so slightly and actually stops the snoring! The instructions do warn users that for the first few mornings after wearing the mouthpiece, their jaw will be slightly sore from being jutted out all night. I will attest that this is true but it hasn’t been unbearable and goes away before mid-morning.

I will say that usually once a night, I somehow spit the mouthpiece out and lose it in the bed! It doesn’t take long before the snoring commences and Rodney is waking me up. I’m thinking that with time, this will stop happening so frequently.

I’ve been using the Pure Sleep for about two weeks and while wearing the mouthpiece, I do not snore and Rodney is no longer sleeping on the couch! The product costs about $75 with shipping but I was able to set mine up into two monthly installments of $37 each. I just wanted to share this in case someone else is in need of help.

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