Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My husband is a teacher

Life is certainly never boring around our house. A little over a week ago, my husband quit his job. Even though we were scared about our financial future, we both felt it was a good decision for him and for us. Well God didn't wait very long to bless us. This past Monday, Rodney began work at TSTC Marshall as an adjunct instructor for our new Lineman degree. He has 8 students in his class. It was perfect timing for us and the school. The class he is teaching now (climbing skills) is only two weeks but there is the chance for him to go full-time in the Spring as long as he signs a contract that stipulates he has 3 years to get his Associate degree. So you just never know!

In the meantime, I'm sure getting a kick out of hearing his stories about his teaching techniques. If you know my husband, you can imagine, I'm sure.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Hey! How cool is that! Congrats R! We've just become a big 'ol family of teachers haven't we!? :-)