Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Smoky's on the Mend!

No big surprise to those who know me well, but for those who don't, I love cats. My favorite cat (gosh I hope the others don't see this!) is Fuzzy. New Year's week, I was off from work and noticed one day that Fuz wasn't acting himself. He was just lying around being lazy. Well that's not really out of character but it was worse than usual. I took him to a vet and discovered that he had become anemic. His red blood cell count was very low and the vet suspected rat poison. He wanted to do x-rays and more and more tests but being the week after Christmas, that really wasn't financially possible :( He prescribed vitamin K and sent us home with these words, "He's still a very sick boy. His body has to make more red blood cells. It's up to him now." Rodney (my super manly husband) and I were so sad. We began forcing the vitamins down him and even started bottle feeding him kitten formula when he reached his 4th day without food. Low and behold after a week, Fuzzy made a comeback! I took him for a follow-up and his red blood cell count is UP!

One thing still bothered us - the vet thinking he was poisoned. We don't have rat poison, anti-freeze, or anything else laying around. Well this weekend, the mystery was solved. Rodney caught Fuzzy drinking the water that drains from my plants into the plant stands. I put Miracle Gro in my plants! It was a HUGE A-HA! So my daughter is now getting lovely new plants for her dorm :)

I guess the morals of the story are - 1.) Miracle Gro does NOT have the same affect on cats as it does on plants. Fuz shrank from 11 pounds to 9 pounds that week. 2.) Miracle Gro can also have adverse affects on wallets.

Now I know you might be asking yourself, "Why did she title this post, 'Smoky's on the Mend' if her cat's name is Fuzzy?" Well funny you should ask.

My mother, Fuzzy's grandmother, believes that we misnamed him. She wants his name to be Smoky. So when we talk about Fuzzy to his MaMaw Baker, he is Smoky. Here's my conversation with her this weekend:

Me: "Mother, Smoky's been very sick but he's getting better now."
Mother: "Oh no! Why didn't you let me know? I would have prayed for him!"
Me: "Well, $500 later, your prayers have been answered!"


Mrs. H said...

Your mother...she is something else!

Jill said...

Why does she think EVERYONE is misnamed? I think a couple of the great grandkids have different names according to her and I think I've heard of others with different names! :-) I don't think I can make myself call my child something else, even for Mamaw!! haha