My dear daughter has guilted me into posting. I do have alot to catch everyone up on but I won't try to cram it all into one reading. I guess the most exciting update I have to tell is about my weighit loss surgery. On July 24, I had the vertical sleeve gastrectomy performed. This is a semi-new weight loss surgery but it is rapidly becoming more popular. Basically, the surgeon makes 5 incisions, then goes in and removed the stomach. At least about 80-85% of it. Then he/she staples the little tiny remaining "sleeve" with titanium staples. I was lucky enough to have my gallbladder start acting up before surgery so he took that out too. Yay me!
At a little over one month out, I have lost 25 pounds. I attribute this to two different reasons. The first reason is obviously because I can't eat very much. I have typically been drinking a protein shake for breakfast, then eating 1/3 of a small Wendy's chili for lunch, drinking a protein bullet in the afternoon and eating a few bites of tuna for dinner. I haven't been tracking my food so I have no idea how many calories that is...probably less than 500 a day. So, yes, that's a big reason I'm losing weight.
The second reason is because the portion of the stomach that is removed is the part that produces gherlin. This is the chemical that makes people hungry. gherlin=no hungry. That's pretty much the way it is....I try to remember to eat regularly just so I don't run out of energy but sometimes I do forget. WOW! Never thought I'd say that! But since I only took 1 week off after surgery, I really have to watch my energy level and stay strong and hydrated so that I can function.
I'll keep everyone updated on my successes here. My first major goal deadline is Wednesday...I wanted to be under 200 pounds before going in for my 6 week check up. 4 pounds to go....