Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Need Ideas for Summer Camp

Every summer, TSTC hosts a camp for high school students (ages 14-18) that teaches them about technical careers. It's a 3-day, 2-night camp. Last year we divided the students up by classification (9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade) and assigned them colors (orange, blue, etc.). This year we want to take it even further and have a "theme" for each group...problem is I can't think of any themes to use....any ideas?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Humor in the Midst of Sadness

The old saying, "laughter is the best medicine" really does have truth in it. Here are a couple of funny quotes from my dear cousins:

Cousin Sondra on teaching herself to play the piano:

"I don't really know what sharps and flats do but I know I don't want any in my music."

"My favorite part about playing the piano is being able to open my piano stool and put my music inside. I feel like a real piano player when I open my stool and go, 'Hmmm, what shall I practice?'"
(FYI - her repertoire includes Silent Night and Jingle Bells)

Cousin Krystal offering to find someone to help Mother out of the car at the funeral home:

Cousin Krystal: "Debra, how many men does Aunt Mamie Dell need?"
Cousin Will: "Oh well that's a loaded question! Don't ask Aunt Mamie Dell that!"

And the last quote isn't funny but Camelia shared this with me yesterday and it's so sweet. Our elderly cousin Christine Todd Moore from Louisiana came to Aunt Frances' house yesterday after the funeral service to visit with family. She pulled Camelia aside and said, "I just have to tell you that I've been sitting over there on the couch watching all you cousins talk and laugh and it touches me to see the love between you all. It is very evident. Are ya'll always like this?" Camelia said, "Yes we are."

We are blessed to have such a wonderful family!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Smoky's on the Mend!

No big surprise to those who know me well, but for those who don't, I love cats. My favorite cat (gosh I hope the others don't see this!) is Fuzzy. New Year's week, I was off from work and noticed one day that Fuz wasn't acting himself. He was just lying around being lazy. Well that's not really out of character but it was worse than usual. I took him to a vet and discovered that he had become anemic. His red blood cell count was very low and the vet suspected rat poison. He wanted to do x-rays and more and more tests but being the week after Christmas, that really wasn't financially possible :( He prescribed vitamin K and sent us home with these words, "He's still a very sick boy. His body has to make more red blood cells. It's up to him now." Rodney (my super manly husband) and I were so sad. We began forcing the vitamins down him and even started bottle feeding him kitten formula when he reached his 4th day without food. Low and behold after a week, Fuzzy made a comeback! I took him for a follow-up and his red blood cell count is UP!

One thing still bothered us - the vet thinking he was poisoned. We don't have rat poison, anti-freeze, or anything else laying around. Well this weekend, the mystery was solved. Rodney caught Fuzzy drinking the water that drains from my plants into the plant stands. I put Miracle Gro in my plants! It was a HUGE A-HA! So my daughter is now getting lovely new plants for her dorm :)

I guess the morals of the story are - 1.) Miracle Gro does NOT have the same affect on cats as it does on plants. Fuz shrank from 11 pounds to 9 pounds that week. 2.) Miracle Gro can also have adverse affects on wallets.

Now I know you might be asking yourself, "Why did she title this post, 'Smoky's on the Mend' if her cat's name is Fuzzy?" Well funny you should ask.

My mother, Fuzzy's grandmother, believes that we misnamed him. She wants his name to be Smoky. So when we talk about Fuzzy to his MaMaw Baker, he is Smoky. Here's my conversation with her this weekend:

Me: "Mother, Smoky's been very sick but he's getting better now."
Mother: "Oh no! Why didn't you let me know? I would have prayed for him!"
Me: "Well, $500 later, your prayers have been answered!"

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Year In Review

(I started this post a few weeks ago and figured I'd better get it posted!!)

Today I looked at all the pictures I've taken throughout the year and was surprised to realize how many big things happened in my family in 2008. God has truly blessed our lives and I thank him! So what all happened for the McIntosh/Langford crew in '08? Just take a look:

January - I guess January was slow...I can't remember anything happening. I do know that at some point this year, I was promoted from Coordinator of Recruitment to Director so I'll stick it here. Yay!

February - Alyssa turned 18!

March - Victoria makes a leap by trying out for cheerleading and makes the squad! I'm proud of her for going after something she wants! Rodney reaches "44"!

April - Promenade makes its way to Harleton and my girls are transformed into princesses! I think it was April when Alyssa performed in her last high school memory is not the best :)

May - Alyssa graduated from high school! Hurray Alyssa for reaching this major milestone! Mamaw turns a young 78 on the 23rd. Rodney's daughter Kayti also graduates from high school, gets an apartment in Longview and prepares to start Kilgore College. I am honored to receive the TSTC Chancellor's Award for Excellence and the National Institute of Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Award for Excellence. I traveled to Austin to accept this award.

June - My awesome sisters and sister-in-law hosted a senior party for Alyssa. Seven friends showed up at Camelia's house for swimming and fun. Uncle Hubert's children throw him a HUGE 85th birthday bash complete with tons of fun and pounds and pounds of catfish! The Baker Reunion takes place in Ore City this year...a new venue for us. A trip to Waco was in the cards for me! "LEAP" was a great gathering of innovative-thinking colleagues. Devin started working this summer for his Uncle Bill and our neighbor Jimmy. He proves to be a hard worker and usually has more money in his pocket than me!

July - Sweet sixteen was the theme of the month for Victoria! Sweet "38" was the magic number for Debra! Rodney and Debra celebrate their 7 year anniversary! We take a week off and travel to Fredericksburg for some sight-seeing. On the way back, we stop off in Dripping Springs and spend time with my childhood best friend. When we get back home, Rodney puts me to work and together we build a tractor shed and put in a couple of flower beds.

August - My first little bird spreads her wings and flies out of the nest. Alyssa moves into her on-campus apartment and begins classes at TSTC majoring in Multimedia Publishing. She worked at Joe Bucks Coffee Shop for a good while. Victoria "jumps" into 11th grade and Devin "tackles" 7th.

September - My little boy turned thirteen this month. My how time flies! We celebrated with a family party at home. Football season officially kicks off, team spirit soars and schedules get chaotic. We have a 7th grade player this year, two band members and a cheerleader; and Victoria's boyfriend Spencer plays on the Varsity Wildcat team. My 20 year high school reunion occurs in Marshall. Yea, I intended to lose weight and I didn't but I still had a great time.

October - Football football football! And Alyssa makes her campus debut by planning, organizing and decorating a campus event! She pulls off a Modern Miracle concert on campus that brought TSTC and ETBU students together worshiping God in music. How proud I am of her! Not sure when, but Alyssa starts working at Porkys. At some point this fall, Rodney spends two weeks teaching at TSTC! I'm so proud of him! After his class ends, he begins working at ETS (Electrical Testing Specialists). What a blessing for him to be able to get a full-time job so quickly!

November - And more football football football! It's Texas. What can I say? Thank goodness I get to sneak off to Corpus this month for the annual TACRAO (Texas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers) Conference. I conclude football season by going on a girlfriend's retreat with friends Patty and Kim and the Texarkana girls. Victoria passes her written driving exam and Rodney picks up a used Honda for her to earn. And over the Thanksgiving holidays, me and Hildi get together and talk about "the good old days". We had a great time but man, I'm feeling old! During deer season, Devin kills two deer, one of which feeds us through the winter! Thanks Devin! He also becomes quite the duck hunter!!

December - I joined a gym! The Townlin Reunion is a great success! I got to see lots of relatives I hadn't seen in awhile. It felt like an old-time Townlin Christmas Reunion :) My family gathers at Camelia's on Christmas day for a wonderful time! As always, there was lots of laughter. This Christmas, we started something new - the ladies all exchanged homemade/handcrafted gifts. The guys played a hilarious left-right game and exchanged gift cards. Rodney and I got ourselves a beautiful new bed and I got a digital photo frame for home and work so I can enjoy all my family pictures. The last two weeks of the year were quiet around my house because the kids stayed with their dad. Rodney and I enjoyed lots of time together and I actually got some house cleaning done! On New Year's Eve, we went to bed about 9:30 pm (because we're real partiers!). 2008 was a blessed year. Now on to 2009....